About Us

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gordonville, Missouri is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Christ Lutheran Church, (CLC) is it daughter congregation of Zion Lutheran Church which is located two miles south of Gordonville. Approximately in 1898, some of the members of Zion Lutheran considered the advisability of organizing another congregation within the Village of Gordonville. This concept was considered not only feasible, but also well advised, since there were many congregation members who were occupied in a commercial way in the little town of Gordonville and found it difficult to drive out to church on Sunday morning. Some members also believed that there needed to be more opportunities for English to be learned by the congregation’s children.  So, in order to give families the opportunities to hear and learn the biblical truth closer to their homes, and to hear those truths in the English language, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized. From the very beginning English was preached from her pulpit, and from time to time more and more English had been added.

The initial construction of the first church building began in the spring of 1899.  However, in 1960 the current church building was erected with its groundbreaking taking place on June 12, 1960. In 2008, Christ Lutheran Church built on to the facility by adding a fellowship Hall, which has since been used to serve the Village of Gordonville and surrounding area by allowing the use of the facility as a voting location, community dinners, rental opportunities, Easter Egg Hunts, and other activities, which promote a Christian atmosphere among the community.

With the joy of Jesus, a rich history, and a dedication to the local community, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church invites you to attend worship with us on Sunday Morning. We hope that you will be serving alongside our congregation as the Holy Spirit writes the next section of our History through us.

What We Believe

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the Missouri District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Please visit the sites below to find more information pertaining to we believe, teach, and confess in our congregational church body.

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Missouri District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Pastor May and Family

Reverend Jacob T. May was born in St. Louis, Missouri, November 2, 1981. He graduated from Oakville High School in 2000. Upon graduation, Pastor May attended Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, while completing the Pre-Seminary Program.

It was at Concordia where Pastor May met his wife, Michelle. Michelle enrolled in the Director of Christian Education program and completed her certification in 2005, serving Christ Lutheran Church in O’Neil, Nebraska. Reverend May, upon graduating from Concordia, Seward, attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis where he would receive his Masters of Divinity in 2008.

Pastor May and Michelle were married May 27, 2006. Immediately following their wedding, the May family moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, where they both served King of Glory Lutheran Church. Pastor May served King of Glory as a Vicar to the congregation, while Michelle served as the Director of Youth and Family Ministry. Pastor May received his Placement from the Seminary in 2008. In his first Call, Pastor May served Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Hampton, Virginia. With the people of Emmanuel, Pastor May and Michelle served the City of Hampton, Virginia, for nearly 9 years.

While in Virginia, God blessed the Mays with three beautiful children; Simon (9), Elizabeth (6), and Gabriel (2).  Outside of the congregation the May family enjoys outside gatherings, sporting events, swimming, and reading. The May family is excited to be serving the people of Cape County.



  • Adult Bible Class  – 9 am
  • Sunday School – 9 am
  • Sunday Service  – 10 am

Church Announcements



Sunday Worship Service

10:00 AM