Grace, mercy, and peace be yours this day from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When I hear the word, “Summer” my mind is usually flooded with memories. Typically, most of my summer memories are from childhood. As a school aged boy I enjoyed any relief from a life stuck in a classroom. I would take full advantage of swimming pools, hikes, sporting events, making up games with my neighbors, or anything else that you can imagine children doing. But, for me, when I hear the word, “summer,” Independence Day is usually the first picture that comes to mind. Independence Day has always been the highlight of my summers. What child does not love food, festivals, and fireworks?
I probably do not need to summarize the events of July 4, 1776, but I would like to emphasize the importance of that date to our nation. I cannot imagine how things would have been different if our Founding Fathers had not signed the Declaration of Independence. What might we look like as a nation? Would we even be a nation? Who’s nation would we be, if we were not independent? But, the events DID happen. The Fathers signed the Declaration. The Colonies won the war. We became Independent…somewhat.
Yes, we are Independent. We are the United States of America. However, we are not completely independent, thankfully. Please do not misunderstand me, I like my independence. When I get up in the morning I can choose my brand of coffee. I pour myself some cereal of my choosing. I put on the clothes that I want to wear. I can plan out the events of the day. I, we, have many freedoms that we can enjoy. Yet, we are not fully independent. In fact, I am thankful that we are not fully independent. For, if we were solely independent how might we carry the burdens of this world? Freedoms and independence can certainly be good, but sometimes we desire dependence, we need dependence. When we experience a personal loss, we depend on family and friends to wrap us with their love. When we face an uncertain future, we depend on a group of people to be our support. When we face devastation from the fallen world in which we live, we DEPEND on hope.
Thankfully hope, our hope, is someone that we can certainly depend on. The grace of Jesus Christ surpasses all understanding. In our burdens, in our loss, in our sin we can always depend on the graciousness of our Savior. He knew the burdens of this world, He understood the loses that we would experience, and He was aware of our sinful nature. This is the reason why He came, so that we could depend on Him. He came to break the chains of sin and death and give us the promise of everlasting hope found in Him, alone. Since Jesus Christ suffered on the cross to take away our sin, we then know, that we can always depend on Him, no matter what the future holds. Thankfully, we are not alone, but we are fully dependent on Him. I thank God that we are always dependent on a Hope that is secured by the blood of Jesus.
God’s peace to you and your household.
Our hope is built on othing less than Jesus blood & righteousness. How wonderful that we are free to have that Hopethat comes through Christ alone. As for us our life would be but a world of nothingness. Thanks be to Christ that He brought us that Hope.